Monday, November 26, 2018

Its a Wrap!!

What's up everyone?!?! Today is a bit bitter sweet, but this will be our last Blogger post for CBE. The journey has had it's ups and downs and as your CBE founder, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on this crazy journey and what it has been all about. 

As stated in our disclaimer, CBE is a fictitious business that was created for the purpose of use throughout a Digital Marketing course. Our Blogger page served as a platform for CBE to engage in a more informative thorough manner in our Digital Marketing Campaigns course. Each week we we're tasked to author a blog post that aligned with our monthly social media content calendar. Each week a new topic was highlighted. We talked about new cars, charities, how to get your vehicle ready for specific driving conditions, and pretty much anything else related to the automotive and exotic car industry. Each post was tailored to be specific to the theme that was designated for that specific week. Sometimes it was easy and sometimes it was a battle. We're just happy its over.

Blogging do I put it? Not my thing! However, I do see the value in this type of social media interaction. Depending on your industry and business, a blog can be a huge weapon in your marketing arsenal. You have the ability to cross promote, but at the same time have a platform that allows you to add more detailed informative information compared to other platforms. You have the ability to embed media in your blog posts, which in turn can create a more enjoyable engaging interaction with your followers, or those who just stumble upon your page. You definitely need to continue to be active on your blog and be creative with your posts and how you can get them out there to be viewed by more people. Remembering to cross promote your business pages is going to be a huge factor in how successful your blog and other pages will be.  

All in all this was a journey where we laughed, we got upset and frustrated, and even shed some tears, but at the end of it all I am happy I pushed through. Without the support of my peers, instructors, and all my random supporters (You Awesome Folks) who actually engaged, I don't think I would have made it through this. So to all of you, I want to say, thank you. Thank you for reading, thank you for following and engaging, but most importantly, thank you for believing and continuing to be a part of this.

Thank You,


We'll Never Stop The Shenanigans 

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